My Life is Coming Together Affirmation

Good morning, fellow affirmers. A Happy Father’s Day to all the amazing dads out there.

Own every word of today’s affirmation because to do so is to acknowledge both your humanness and your greatness all at once.

You are both an amazing being on a powerful mission and a flawed human being who slips and falls. Accepting both of these aspects of your nature allows you to push on to ever greater achievement, while giving yourself absolute grace in those moments when you fall short.

See your greatness today. Be all about the purpose that drives your life and let the chips fall where they may.

Affirm With Me

My life is coming together in a complete and perfect way. I am doing all that is necessary, accepting all that is necessary, and releasing all that is necessary for my life to come forth and blossom. I give myself credit for my accomplishments; cut myself some slack for my mistakes. I know that every experience along the way leads to my growth and healing. I am happy and living life to the fullest. I am the person I came to the planet to be.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you’re awesome.

Keep your mind on your side!
