Four Morning Affirmations - Greatness, Creativity, Happiness, Abundance

Good morning fellow affirmers!

As I sit here waking up with my puppy this morning, I’m thinking about what wild ride the past couple of months has been. The day job has barely granted a breath recently. Life feels like it’s going 100 miles per hour.

I’m behind on the personal projects I mapped out in January., but I keep proceeding one step at a time without judgment and with determination. I will get there.

Despite the stresses of daily life, I’m learning over and over again, as 58 rapidly approaches, that everything looks better on the other side of a deep breath. I’m remembering that every being I encounter all day is unique and special, but there are just a few beings that have chosen to be on this journey with me and I am grateful for them.

The big picture is becoming clearer every day. The strands of my life are weaving together a beautiful tapestry that’s starting to make real sense. I hope you are experiencing moments of peace and insight and joy today. Here are a few affirmations to jump start your day.

Remember, keep your mind on your side.
