Oprah Winfrey Motivational Quote

Good morning, friends and fellow affirmers!

To say that Oprah Winfrey has inspired millions, would be to understate the matter. She was America’s daily voice of personal exploration, growth, life’s journey for decades.

Even now, she continues to inspire Hope, purpose, and the search for meaning in life on her multiple platforms.

I love this Oprah quote. It contains so many nuggets for us. It counsels trying new and hard things. It prepares you for the inevitable setbacks in such attempts. It encourages determination and patience, it promises reward for your efforts.

Its power to inspire is enhanced because the words come from someone who created and lived that journey before all our eyes.

In a nutshell, this quote is the very embodiment of our journey to personal growth. We are here to do great things or “small things in great ways.,” as Dr. Martin Luther King said.

We will have adversity, but if we don’t give up and give in, we will prevail in some meaningful way.

Wherever you are on your journey today, know you can. More than that, know if you don’t give up, you will.

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.
