Dig Deeper Wells

The average water well is 100 to 500 feet deep. As you walk around on the earth’s surface, you can’t see the well water. You could dig 100 thirty-foot holes and not reach one drop of water.

This might frustrate you because digging 100 such holes without return is a lot of work for nothing.

Are you digging shallow wells in your life? Are you spreading yourself so thin that you can’t give any one “well” the time and effort required to get your “well water?”

Whatever your goals, ample time and effort spent on one or a few goals is like digging the well until you hit water. Having too many goals or responsibilities leaves your life pock marked with half dug wells. You might be frustrated because you’re putting in a ton of effort and not getting results.

Power hack:

  1. Try to limit yourself to one to three big goals at a time. How many depends on the goals and how much time you have to devote to them.
  2. Always be reassessing your goals to make sure you’re working on what’s most important. It’s OK to abandon half-dug wells to make room for more important priorities.
  3. When you commit to a goal, dig it all the way until you hit the “well water.”

If the goal’s worth achieving, it’s worth going all the way.


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