The Change Is Us

Happy Friday, dear readers.

When the world comes to a challenging moment, we have a tendency to look to the sky or look to our leaders to do something about it. I’m all for trusting in God or the Universe. There is always a big plan in the works, but we should remember our voices, our actions, our commitment to affect change is part of that plan.

World leaders? They often had a hand in landing us in the difficulty. I have less confidence there. Still, we can influence that too, whether democratic or not, all leaders, when it comes right down to it, are subject to the will of the people.

Our hand is weakened when we trust lies and fear-mongering. We must stop buying into their low energy arguments that frighten people into going along. We must stand committed to not electing nor supporting leaders win by dividing people and severing us from our highest impulses and aspirations.

There’s a great quote by the American comedian Lily Tomlin. “I always wondered why somebody doesn't do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody.”

You are somebody and so am I. We can wait for change like it’s a


Wherever you are on your journey today, put your mind on your side.
