Just One Moment

Many of us have one of those Tuesdays that’s Monday today. I hope you enjoyed the one thing in the universe proven faster than light - a three-day weekend.

There can be a tendency to feel like you’re a day behind after a Monday off. Instead, try seeing yourself as a day ahead all week this week.

One moment. They say some moments can seem like an eternity. They certainly can cast a long shadow across your consciousness. You and I have a “now prejudice” that unconsciously feeds us the belief that this moment is more real than the last or the next and that it could be permanent.

Yes! There’s a valid spiritual principle that says, “Be here now.” Often being here now and consciously touching this moment is an invaluable tool. That is until now becomes a tyrant. That is until now steals your hope and your joy or encourages you to rest on your laurels.

Never allow this moment to overshadow your big picture. However wonderful, mundane or disastrous this moment is it’s just one moment. It can be exceeded, defeated, or forgotten.

It’s likely it won’t matter five years or even five minutes from now unless you attach yourself to it and become stuck.

If you feel one moment, however glorious or tragic, becoming the complete basis for your reality, cut it loose.


Get to the next moment and the next until you find one that allows you to plant both feet and start walking forward again.

There are only two unfungible moments - birth and death. Every other moment in your life is completely negotiable and subject to as much change as your thinking allows.

This moment will pass into oblivion like every other moment. Let it go and move on.

Wherever you are on your journey today, remember you’re awesome!


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