Affirmations for Sunday January 9, 2022

Good Sunday, my friends. We began a three-week stay on Kauai yesterday. I’ll be sharing photos from the trip here as we experience them. We’ve been blessed and this is our 12th trip to this beautiful island.

Let’s get to some affirmations. My goals in 2022 center around a rejuvenation to my core path which definitely includes the personal and spiritual development content I post on this blog.

We live in a time more in need of better mindsets that ever, but also with little tolerance for triviality. You’re going to see that reflected in the affirmations I post here. I want to strike a deeper, more no-nonsense tones with the affirmations.

Hope you enjoy and, as always, your feedback is a gift.


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This affirmation reminds you of who you really are and that you have the internal resources to deal with life’s biggest challenges.

This affirmation is my favorite measure of a life well-done and my commitment to embody it.

Anger can be a short-term fuel in certain situations. Held onto for long periods of time it’s toxic to us, our lives, and everything we hope to accomplish.

This affirmation is similar to the previous one. It reminds us to be conscious of the things that frustrate us and avoid prolonged engagement with them. It’s far more productive to focus on what you want rather than spending g your energy battling what you don’t.

We don’t have to keep repeating the same mistakes over and over. We’re not prisoners of circumstance. We can make better, wiser choices, using experience as our guide. This affirmation encourages that and asks you to own it.