13 2022 New Year's Affirmations

Hey, my friends! Let's get 2022 off to a great start! Here are 13 affirmations you can use to get your year off to a great start. I also share a tip for changing your resolutions and goals for this you into a more practical and powerful tool - affirmations.

Here are the affirmations.

  1. 2022 is the year I am finally living up to my potential. I know Iā€™m capable of doing more and this year I do.
  2. I am choosing happiness in 2022.
  3. This year I am charting a clear path to success and I am achieving my goals.
  4. This year I am releasing unproductive energy in my life.
  5. This year I am releasing toxic people from my life.
  6. This year I am choosing to be creative instead of afraid.
  7. This year I am dreaming bigger than I ever have before and I am going for my dreams.
  8. This year money flows easily into my life. My income is increasing. I am abundant and blessed. Money even comes from unexpected places.
  9. This year I am healthy and strong and at my ideal weight. I choose my well-being in 2022 and make it a priority.
  10. This year I making the most of my opportunities and my talents.
  11. This year I am winning by days by winning my moments, I am winning my weeks by winning my days, and I am winning this year by winning my weeks. I make progress one breath and one moment at a time.
  12. This year I stay more aligned to my core beliefs and values than ever before.
  13. This year I am the person I came to this planet to be. I am the right person in the right place at the right time to to be fully myself.

Wherever you go in 2022, make sure your mind is on your side. Know that I am!


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