12 Russell Brand Quotes

Russell Brand ((1975 - ) is an English comedian, actor, activist, and social commentator. He’s spoken a wide range of social ills including wealth inequality, climate, media bias, corporate capitalism, and addiction.

His enormously popular YouTube channel boasts over three million subscribers. Here are some of his most thought-provoking and inspiring quotes.

  • I know change is possible, I know there is an alternative because I live a completely different life to the one I was born with. I also know that the solution is not fame or money or any transient adornment of the individual. The only revolution that can really change the world is the one in your own consciousness, and mine has already begun.

  • People don't realize that the future is just now, but later.

  • Rebel children, I urge you, fight the turgid slick of conformity with which they seek to smother your glory.

  •  For me happiness occurs arbitrarily: a moment of eye contact on a bus, where all at once you fall in love; or a frozen second in a park where it's enough that there are trees in the world.

  •  Be led by your talent, not by your self-loathing; those other things you just have to manage.

  • What was alien was being ordinary, being humdrum, being trapped into appeasing...having to crush and stifle my opinions, not being allowed to be brilliant, tricking myself into mediocrity.

  •  By puberty I learned that nothing worth having could be easily attained and to succeed one must be single minded.

  •  How we treat the vulnerable is how we define ourselves as a species.

  • You have to forgive everyone for everything. You can’t cling on to any blame that you may be using to make sense of the story of your life.

  •  Every moment is a fresh new beginning, a wonderful inauguration of the great cosmic journey through the universe. We can do whatever we want. We can change reality at any moment.

  •  The truth is: there is on this frequency, from our human perspective, a planet, some beings, some resources; would it not be sensible to employ systems that benefit the planet, the beings, and the resources?

  • The more that I’ve detached myself from the things that I thought would make me happy like money and fame and other people’s opinions, the more truth is being revealed.