Motivational Quote for Thursday December 9, 2021

Hey, my friends. Happy Thursday!

I coined this quote a few years ago and I refer to it regularly. I find it balances me on both ends of the spectrum.

It reminds me that I can’t achieve everything today. That relieves the stress of unrealistic expectations for any single day. On the side, it reminds me that I’m on a long journey with many milestones, many opportunities to achieve anything I want to achieve. It gives ,e the confidence to know that I have the time and the space and the right to pick things up again tomorrow.

Ben Franklin famously said, “Small strokes fell great oaks.” This quote is that vein. Keep at it whatever goal your chasing. Make a little progress each day and soon you’ll be standing in the winners’ circle.

Wherever you are on your journey today, I believe in you.


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