You Can’t Lose Affirmation

Today’s Affirmation


Here’s a different approach to life. What if you chose to believe you can’t lose? What if I told you, you absolutely cannot lose? You might be skeptical but look at the affirmation above and consider looking at life by that measure. There’s no problem, for most people, in seeing the triumph in success. If you are one of those people who just won’t give yourself credit, stop it. You're as worthy of success and happiness as anyone else walking the planet.

As for seeing success in moments of setback and failure, that’s a little tougher. We may experience pain or entertain a desire to give up and quit. What if, instead, you saw defeats as lessons only there to make you stronger and wiser and fertilize your next slew of successes?

Take the universe’s note. Learn and apply the lesson learned from the failure and come back better next time. This is a secret of successful and resilient people. It’s not that they never lose. It’s that they never let their losses beat them.

Wherever you are on your journey today, remember you are awesome!
