Cosmic Consciousness Affirmations

Good Friday, my friends! You are connected to more power than you can imagine every minute of every day.

We've been told that we are small beings cut off from the universe that birthed us.

These affirmations counter that narrative by encouraging you to remember and renew your connection to the cosmic consciousness of which you have ever been a part.


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The Affirmations

  1. My connection to cosmic consciousness is available 24/7.
  2. I am always and everywhere connected to all that is.
  3. Every day I open my eyes to bigger possibilities.
  4. Every day I open my heart to bigger possibilities.
  5. Every day I open my mind to bigger possibilities.
  6. I don't require intermediaries between cosmic truth and me.
  7. By going within, the whole universe comes into view.
  8. A greater consciousness is arising in me and in the people around me.
  9. I listen to the experts, but I trust my wisdom.
  10. Today I am directly connected to the boundless love that flows through the universe.
  11. I am one with the power that shines stars and spins galaxies.
  12. I am raising my vibration to meet the needs of my life and the needs of the planet.
  13. I am always attracting the right people, things, and situations to me right now.
  14. Everything and I mean everything is working for the greater good.
  15. Today I exchange this limited ego thinking for the vast and unlimited consciousness available to me.
  16. I have the freedom and the power to choose the thoughts, emotions, and words that feed my consciousness.
  17. I choose to fill my consciousness with love.
  18. I choose to fill my consciousness with peace.
  19. I choose to fill my consciousness with joy.
  20. I choose to fill my consciousness with freedom.
  21. I choose to fill my consciousness with abundance.