Be Chased Instead

The phrase Law of Attraction has been thrown around a lot over the past 20 years. Some see it s an immutable law of the universe, while others see it as a tactic or strategy to get what they want.

The evidence is in. There’s no doubt this force can powerfully affect our lives. Many have tried mix maximum effort with LOA in a kind of modern version of “the Protestant work ethic.”

They seek to attract by digging deeper and pushing harder. While these attributes can themselves lead to a measure of success, after all hard work is sometimes rewarded. This does not mix well with “get into the flow” approach that works best with LOA.

Rowing fast and hard creates stress. That’s the opposite of the gentle being and alignment that encapsulates LOA.

Note that LOA is about attraction. You don’t attract things anywhere else in the universe by pushing harder on them. You repel by doing so. Why would it work any differently in your life?

How does the Sun attract the planets to follow it around the galaxy? It stays true to what its gravity does the rest. It doesn’t pull the planets. They are attracted to it. They chase it.

To attract, you just be yourself and exert your “gravity.” Being yourself means being aligned to your purpose and being present in your natural energy. As you travel through the universe, like the Sun, the things that belong to you begin to chase you.

You won’t catch the Sun chasing Mars or Jupiter. Don’t you stressfully chase people or situations. The right ones…the ones that make up your “solar system” will find you, when you’re being authentically yourself.

To the normal way of thinking in our world, this may sound a little woo woo. So be it. Let them spend their lives trying to pull the wring Mars back into their orbit, while you gleefully attract what is yours to attract.

Wherever you are on your journey today, know that you have attracted this message at this moment.

Peace and prosperity, my friends!
