Leave The World Better

Good Monday evening, my friends. A better world; it’s the age-old aspiration of human beings. We want to improve the world and leave something better for our children and grandchildren.

There’s no magic pill that will get us there. It’s the labor of one person multiplied around the planet making this moment, this day, one life a little better.

The fact that it’s challenging must not deter us. We were hired, in a way, to come here to this challenging time and this challenging place to be the difference the world needs.

You might be wondering, “Am I really equipped to take on the daunting tasks of our moment in time?” I assure you. You’re not only capable. You’re uniquely qualified to be the antidote to the negativity that poisons this period of history.

Be bold. Be true to principles that don’t change based on who’s in office or the latest fad. Hold fast to the belief that humanity can have and will have a bright and illustrious future and that you play an irreplaceable role in making it happen.

I believe in you. Meet me halfway and believe in you too!


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