The Failure & Success Parable


Happy weekend, my friends! Success and failure are two words we use describe the quality of the results we achieve in our lives.

We often evaluate ourselves using these words and others do as well. We tend to evaluate our relationships, our finances, our careers, and other aspects of our lives in these stark terms, as if we get a pass or fail grade.

At their worst, these two words can paralyze us. We can become afraid of both failure and success. So, we get stuck or do just enough to keep us in a murky mediocrity that cannot be described with either word.

A few years ago, I wrote a very brief parable about a simple way to release ourselves from the twin fears of failure and success. I recorded it this evening and posted it to my YouTube channel. I hope you’ll find it useful in moving these two words out of the road that leads to your dreams,

Wherever you are on your journey today, remember to let your kindness start with you.
