Anger is a Toxic Brain Chemical

Anger is a Toxic Brain Chemical.png


Anger is a toxic brain chemical. Like toxic chemicals out in the world, it can have short-term explosive power that seems to propel you forward. It gives you an endorphin rush and makes you “feel good.” This is short-lived.

Eventually, it corrodes the mind, corrodes the heart, corrodes the very essence of your being. Whatever anger rules, it eventually destroys – a person, a nation, a world. We must decide, as conscious creators, if it’s an energy we wanted creating our world.

The scientific evidence for this beyond question. Anger literally destroys our health, if we allow it to persist and become our way of being. Like other addictive substances, it lies to us. It makes us think we’re doing something constructive and anger always craves more anger.

The Japanese research Masuru Emoto wrote a series of best-selling books back in the 1990s called Messages from Water. He demonstrated, despite some scientists claiming it was pseudo-science, that water has memory. When it forms into ice crystals after being exposed to emotion, it tends to become beautiful and symmetric from positive emotion and damaged and sick looking after exposure to negative energy.

Think about that! You are about 75 percent water. The planet's surface is about 75 percent water. How damaging could all the negativity on the planet right now be?

You don’t need his experiment to prove this to yourself. How do you feel when you’ve let anger get the best of you? Often you feel like you “need a shower.”

We’ve seen a lot of anger in the world in the stressful moment of the past year. Some of the issues driving the anger a legitimate. However, we must ask ourselves. Can this toxic brain chemical produce the positive change we seek or will it just drag us, our nations, and civilization down into its black hole of destruction?

Anger is an alert system like fear. They are meant to let us know there is something in our environment we should be reacting to. However, neither is a solution or strategy. They always fail and destroy when used in that way.

Once our anger has alerted us to the need for change, it must be transformed into a productive energy, brain chemical that can actually bring positive and productive change. Anger alone will consume all in its path, beginning with the angry person.

Let love, let peace, let a positive vision for change rule you. They are the clean energy of emotions. They are the constructive means of achieving that which you hope to achieve.


  • Anger destroys me until I let it go. Today I let it go.

  • I release my anger and transform it into a more productive energy.

  • I refuse to let anger destroy me or destroy my world.

  • I choose love over anger.

  • I choose peace over anger.

  • I choose positive change over angry reaction.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you are awesome!
