Money Is Not Evil It’s Energy

Many of us have a very negative relationship with money. We’ve heard our whole lives that it’s “the root of all evil.” Is it really?

We feel guilty for wanting it and for having it. This is a battle I’ve fought in my own life. We need to let it go.

It’s true money is the basis for many evil actions in the world. Its pursuit manifests greed, selfishness, even war and exploitation. Those are actions of human minds and human hearts.

Money itself is simply a means of exchange. Since all exchanges are really exchanges of energy. Money is a means of exchanging measured amounts of energy.

The same hearts and minds that use it to commit the evil acts mentioned above can use it exchange enormous good. You can use it ethically both to help others and appropriate an abundant lifestyle during your time here on Earth.

You’re not less spiritual or ethical for wanting that or achieving it.

Perhaps there is a better way to exchange energy than money and perhaps one day human civilization will find it and adopt it.

For now, money is the means of having the experiences and the things that make life enjoyable.

We’re all familiar with other aphorisms. The best things in life are free and money can’t buy love or happiness. True enough. I’m not suggesting an adoration for money or elevating it above what it deserves. Rather, I’m suggesting that spending your life at war with it only serves to deny you a life you can have and certainly deserve.

LOVE this quote by Jake Ducey! It sums us of power money gives us to do good.

Wherever you are on your journey today, remember you are awesome!

I’ll write to you again soon.
