More Compassion and Empathy

Happy Sunday, my friends. Can I ask a favor of you? Can you really focus and entertain the importance of this topic.

We live in a social media world and a real world at the moment that is crippled by toxic anger and judgment.

Compassion and empathy are the baseline emotions of an advanced civilization. If humanity is to reach its destined potential, we must establish them as our baseline. The easy anger and ready judgment that marks our culture is a step backwards for the human race.

We will never become the enlightened, spacefaring civilization we can become, if we are forever tangled with each other in circular arguments and chronic conflict.

Consider this as a new course for you personally, because that’s where this shift must begin, and for our civilization as a whole.

As you do remember how special you are and how special is every single person you encounter today. Let’s treat each other as such.
