Snowflakes of Perfection

There I said it! Even when it seems like it’s not, there’s perfection in ALL from a high enough perspective.

We think we have a pretty good sense of how things ought to go. When they don’t, we can become frazzled, frustrated, even angry.. When that happens, what perspective are we using?

A baseball season has 162 games. If you judged a 100-win team by the night they lost 13-2, you’d have a very skewed impression. Could you evaluate your life based on one day or one week? That wouldn’t be fair or accurate.

Yet, we are constantly judging individual events that stroll through our stream of consciousness as fair or unfair, true or false, right or wrong without the context needed to make such an appraisal.

In the flip side, we could choose to see that there is a certain perfection in everything as if there’s an intelligence far beyond our everyday awareness guiding our lives and human affairs on a perfect path we simply can’t see in this moment.

No snowflakes ever fall in the wrong place. They are right where and when they need to be to fulfill their destiny and so are you.

We could spend vast amounts of time wondering why that snowflake didn’t land elsewhere or we can accept that it did and see it as the unfolding of a perfection we don’t yet see.

Wherever you are on your journey today, know that you’re awesome!
