Are Affirmations Enough?

Are affirmations enough?

Nope. Not if they’re just rote words you say or read or listen to.

There are two ways affirmations do their work. There is power in “subconscious” affirmations delivered subliminally or listened while you sleep. This approach requires intense repetition, but given time, it can be very effective.

For some, that conscious skeptic or cynic can interfere with affirmation acceptance and belief. Going around that negative inner voice is great way to undermine that voice at its subconscious roots.

For affirmations recited or read or listened to consciously, they will be utterly ineffective if they’re mere words to you.

They must be words that carry the fire of belief and a deep commitment to see them achieved. They must stoke emotion and determination.

The key is to figure out which strategy is most effective for you - flooding your subconscious with better thoughts or consciously “practicing” with affirmations each day.

I’ve had success with both over the years, but others succeed with one or the other.

So, what’s the answer? Are affirmations enough? Affirmations are one tool in your mindset and spiritual development toolkit. Used correctly and appropriately for you, they are a workhorse for shifting your thinking, your perspective, and your life.

Wherever you are on your journey today, you are awesome!
