Better Mindsets Are a Geopolitical Necessity

Better mindsets, long a cornerstone of personal development, have become even more important in a collective sense.

We live in a world today where many Individuals have forgotten that personal momentary whims are not more important than hard-earned values and freedoms we achieved through the struggles of a hundred human generations.

Major nations, seemingly having forgotten the horrors of global war, cavalierly throw out threats and actual,y threaten each other, without concern for the consequences to the planet or our species.

Just as many of us seek to improve and advance our lives through more empowering, authentic, and transformative mindsets, the global geo-political environment requires nations and corporations and other institutions to do the same.

We live in a world that generates too many economic and political losers, eliciting anger and fear. We’ve lost any real sense, within nations and among nations, that we’re in this together and that the advancement and thriving of every human being must be our highest aspiration.

We live in a world where global powers play games of one-upmanship, as though we still live in a world where our conflicts will be resolved on horseback and with swords.

There’s little to no organized effort to solve the ills faced by most human beings in this planet unless it serves the interest of profit or power.

I know a message like this seems at odds with the positive vision I normally advocate on this blog.

Empowering our minds does not happen in a vacuum. As our civilization advances, we must have the vision to believe that “the good life” of choices and self-determination are the birthright of every human being simply because they’re human.

I think one of the big reasons for this state of affairs is people vote out of fear over aspiration. They allow their thinking to be molded by people with and overt goal of creating division in an attempt to make the status quo - their status quo - seem like the best we can possibly do.

As with all major changes, these must begin within us. If we don’t engage in aspirational, empowered, visionary thinking, we cannot be a vehicle for influencing the world in those positive ways. In fact, we’re very likely to get sucked into the negative swirl of thinking that re-manifests the world I’m talking every single day.

Our minds are information vacuums. If we don’t fill them with thoughts of our choice, someone else will.

Wherever you are on your journey today, know that you are awesome!
