Don’t Give Up!
Happy Wednesday, my friends. There are those moments when setbacks pile up and despair closes in when you feel like maybe you should give up or at least scale back the vision for your life.
Millions of people have. They’ve sold their dreams for the comforts of relative certainty. They’ve convinced themselves that it was foolish to have ever entertained such dangerous nonsense.
If you’re thinking you might join them, here’s my message to you. Don’t give up. Don’t you dare!
Sure life is short and challenging and sometimes downright unfair. Yet, it’s all those things whether you follow your dreams and pursue your highest purpose or not. So, you might as well go for it. You might as well make your proverbial dent in the universe, even if you get bumped and bruised along way.
Don’t be rocking away in your chair at 90 saying, “I wish I would have.”
Wherever you are on your journey today, remember that you are awesome and you can do it!