Bold Thoughts, Bold Action

Positive, empowered thinking is only the start. Until that thinking is converted to bold action, we change little about our lives or the world. Once that thinking becomes bold action, we are capable of changing just about anything about the world or our lives.

Consider how many people had the chance to conceive gravity before Newton, but took no action. How many could have held the Wright Brothers’ place in history, had they only put their ideas for human flight into action? Who else had words as beautiful and powerful as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., but never acted on them and so never changed the course of history?

I’d posit that there were many others who could have replaced these names in history had they simply acted on their thoughts or ideas.

What amazing thinking have you manifested, but not acted upon? How might it change your life and the world, if only you acted? Something to ponder today. Something to act upon today.

Wherever you are on your journey, you are awesome!
