Three Unstoppable Forces

There really are three unstoppable forces in this world. Few would argue that the rising sun and a rushing ocean wave are overwhelming forces of nature that are impossible to stop or defeat.

Yet, add the power of your mind to the equation and many will quickly object. They point out all the times people supposedly had a determined mind and things didn’t pan out. In the simplest way of describing a determined mind, that may be true.

I wanted the promotion. I was determined to get it and I didn’t. I really wanted to go out with that person, but they turned me down. See, a determined mind is easily defeated,

Here’s my definition of a determined mind. It’s a mind that doesn’t let temporary setbacks decide the outcome. It’s a mind that takes whatever comes and turns it into fuel for the big goal. It’s a mind that never gives up and is going to find a way or make a way no matter what.

That kind of mind cannot be stopped. That kind of mind is a force of nature like the sun and the wave. That kind of mind turns defeats into fuel for bigger victories. That kind of mind learns from every experience and is better next time.

You, yes you, have that force-of-nature mind within you any time you want to unleash it to chase your dreams, better your day, or better your world.

The sooner you realize how powerful it is, the sooner you will become unstoppable and unbeatable too.

Wherever you are on your journey today, you are awesome!
