We Are Family

It’s rare that I draw a hard ideological line on this blog. Generally, I’m here working to build you and me up with positive messages. Despite what I’m about say, I think this remains in that vein.

One of the criticisms of positive thinking is that it tries to gloss over challenges and problems in the world. I would argue that’s a misreading. Positive thinking is way to fight back and take control of your thinking against the wave of negativity, mean-spiritedness, and anger that pervades our popular culture.

There is much inequity and injustice on our planet. It’s easy to see how people can get dragged down these negative holes.

This opens the door for demagogic leaders and ideologies to take root and flourish. We see this happening right before our eyes around the planet. That’s further fed by a media that tells half-truths tilted toward the prejudices and idiocies of its target audience. These half truths are then repeated and argued over social media, widening divides to the point that people can’t even talk to each other any more. Lifelong friends are unfriended for daring to question our version of the half truth.

It’s as insidious as it is ridiculous. It drives wedges in families, tears the social fabric of nations, and pushes major powers to the brink of crazy confrontations even the most ardent cold warriors averted.

If we are really in the fight for light and for wisdom and for an advancing and evolving humanity taking its rightful place among the galactic community we rightly imagine lies beyond our world; we must immunize ourselves and, to the extent we’re able, immunize those around us against these divisive and destructive mindsets.

The question might come up, “How do we know what the truth is and who to believe?”

Regardless of your personal spiritual belief system, Jesus and Buddha are widely recognized as two humanity’s greatest teachers. I think their words help provide us a kind of truth “Geiger counter” for those of us who seek and peaceful advanced human civilization and seek it soon.

Jesus was talking about false teachers in Matthew. He concluded his discussion of them with a simple test, “Therefore, by their fruits will you them.”

Five hundred years and a thousand miles away, Buddha gave us a similar test when he was pressed about who we should believe and put our trust in.

He said the following.

When you yourselves know directly something is unskillful, unwholesome, blameworthy, rejected by the wise, harmful to yourselves or others, leads to poverty or unhappiness of both yourself and others, you should give it up.

When you yourselves know directly that something is skilled, wholesome, blameless, praised by the wise, and leads to well-being, prosperity, and happiness of both yourself and others, you should accept it and practice it.

If your end game is an advanced human civilization, maximizing its potential, and respecting and allowing each person to reach for their highest aspirations; then these are two great measures to put leaders or ideologies up against.

We are family. It’s a simple fact of cosmology. Our fates are tied together on this tiny blue ball tumbling through the darkness of the cosmos.

It’s also non-negotiable. Leaders and ideologies that don’t bear fruits that 1) Accept that reality and 2) Embrace it and seek to maximize it; should be utterly rejected at this late date in favor of leaders and ideologies that demonstrate the enlightenment required for this civilization to live long and prosper.

Wherever you are on your journey today, you are awesome!
