Defeating the Monsters Along Your Path

A challenge only becomes an obstacle when you bow to it.

Our lives are filled with challenge on a daily basis. It can be an easy reason to stop or give up. Most people would even understand.

The first mistake we make is to see challenge as obstacles and obstacles - even the word - sounds like something blocking us.

When we shift our focus and see the challenges as stepping stones or character builders or even guardrails, we find they are necessary companions along the journey to a goal and will make standing on the too of the mountain that much more gratifying.

The late, great mythologist Joseph Campbell put forward the theory of the monomyth - the heroic journey that each of as the hero of our life is on. He noted repeating pattern in hero stories across the world.

Always there is a monster (massive challenge) to be faced before the hero gleans the boon. Don’t bow! You have as much right as anyone to be on the path.

Be glad when you find your monster. It’s a sign you’re on the right path. The universe rarely bothers to challenge mediocrity, but it will cast huge scary shadow puppets at those ready to achieve something great.

Just in case no one else reminded your today, you are awesome!


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