Give Every Day a Chance
This morning I opened my eyes to horrible cold bordering on bronchitis. It wasn’t surprising. It had been building for several days.
I began saying my favorite health affirmation about a dozen times.
My immune system is healthy, strong, and protecting me right now!
There was a part of me that thought I should just stay in bed and relax today. Then my logical brain kicked in.
“You can’t take the day off. Today’s the train-the-trainer.”
Many of you know my day job is as an instructional designer for a major telecommunications company. I’ve been doing it for 20 years. My specialty is sales skills training. I’ve spent the past month working on a project I’m very passionate about.
Today was the day I was scheduled to hand off the content to a Brady Bunch screen full of trainers.
“I can’t be sick today.” I got up blew out and coughed up stuff unmentionable in a blog and took a shower.
The morning was spent in a series of meetings and doing my best to prep for for the big T3.
I keep my stock ticker up as I’m working and a pretty famous comeback stock I’ve been in for a while went up, up, up all day.
My wife went and got the mail and I joked, “I hope someone sent us a check.”
We got six. They were reimbursement checks from our pet insurance company and our annual rebate from Costco.
I started the T3 sure I’d do great, but not really sure how I’d pull it off feeling like I did. I kind of got in the zone for two hours and felt great after it. I’ve been doing these a long time and it was one of my best.
When I got off that call, I checked in on another high priority project that had been plaguing me for days. I found out one of my colleagues picked it up and finished it.
Finally, I’m sitting on the couch an hour after work. My cell rings and it’s my recently new boss. He proceeds to tell me how amazing I did today on the T3. He said it was one of the best he’d ever seen.
I hung up the phone and thought about the title of this blog. Give every day a chance. You never know. If I’d followed my first impulse this morning, I’d have been in bed missing it all.
Stay true! Stay you!
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