The Universal Law of Scale

It’s true and it’s easy to forget. When you’re in the valley of challenge and difficulty, life can seem like a frustratingly slow, redundant process that shows little progress.

Keep this in mind. There’s a key and often overlooked concept on which the universe seems to operate.

I like to call it the Law of Scale. This law is captured in well-known aphorisms like, “It’s always darkest before the dawn.”

A thing is often directly proceeded by its opposite and at the same energy level. Small waves beget small waves. Massive fluctuation in one direction is often followed by a massive fluctuation in the other. It’s the universe’s way of establishing and maintaining balance.

When you are experiencing your hardest challenge, know it’s preparing you for your highest triumph.

Even though every bit of sensory information and logic doubts it, count on it!

I’d love to hear your comments below, if you’ve experienced this phenomenon.

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.
