Affirmations: Your Personal Ad Campaign

Advertisers in our planet spend more than a trillion dollars a year selling stuff to you and me.

They right smartly-worded copy meant to inspire us to action. They repeat the message over and over again.

Even a company like Coca-Cola that practically every human on the planet knows spends billions each year to keep them at the top in our minds.

Why do they do this? The short answer is it works. They are very effective at molding our perceptions, our behaviors, even our beliefs.

Everyone else is trying to sell you on something. Why aren’t you selling to yourself? Selling the life you see yourself living. Selling the goals you have for yourself. Selling yourself on, well, you.

There’s not a better investment you can make than a higher degree of confidence in you and your capabilities.

In a nutshell, that’s what affirmations are and why they’re so powerful. They are your pervades campaign to yourself.

Not everyone trying to sell you something has your best interests at heart, but by using affirmations you can put tour best interests front and center in your day and your life.

Just in case no one else reminded you today, you are awesome!
