Write A Life Purpose Statement

Finding your purpose is a big deal, but it’s not as mystical or difficult as it sounds. It simply involves bravely and soberly asking the question, “Why am I here on this planet?”

When you consider this question deeply you find that the standard resolutions we all make, while worthy goals, don’t go to the heart of the matter. “What is my life about?”

One of the best ways to identify your purpose and keep in front of you every day is to write a purpose statement. Make it fun and motivational so that it will inspire you to keep going in tough times. You can share your purpose statement with others or keep it completely private. I’d encourage you to make that decision based on what will keep you the most motivated to pursue your purpose.

Here are some tips for creating your purpose statement.

  • Answers the question, “Why am I here on this planet in this time and this place?”
  • Answers the question, “What do I want to accomplish while I’m here?”
  • Answers the question, “What would I be doing if I was truly following my bliss in life?” (What are your true talents? What do you absolutely love doing? What activities make time pass so fast because you enjoy them so much?)
  • Identifies the activities necessary to transform your purpose into a reality.
  • Written as a positively-worded statement that clearly states your life purpose.
  • Edited until it is clear and you are happy with it. Remember it is not a static document. As your purpose becomes clearer, you can always adjust it.
  • Sets a timeline or milestones for your goal.
  • Keeps you motivated throughout the year. Keep your purpose where you will see it every day. Read it every day. Say it every day. Keep it in front of you even when you don’t feel like it.
  • THINKS BIG. This is your life purpose – your ultimate dream – don’t limit yourself to your limited view of what you think is possible right this moment.
  • Revised as life and your goals change.

Here is a sample life purpose statement.

I know I am here on this Earth to write childrens’ books. I am destined to be a published childrens’ author. My books are going to transform childrens’ literature. To accomplish my purpose, I commit to the following activities that I know I must do reach my goal:

Activity #1
Activity #2
Activity #3
Activity #4

While I accept that there may be obstacles in my path, I choose to see them as opportunities to enhance and refine my purpose. I have waited so long to pursue my dream of being a childrens’ author. I’ve made the excuses and let other things get in the way. I will wait no longer. I resolve here and now to pursue my purpose with all my energy, intelligence, and talents. With every step I take towards my goal, I will celebrate and reward myself.

My goal is to be a published childrens’ author by (date).

With a purpose firmly stated and filling your mind, it won’t be long until you are on your way to living your dream.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you are awesome!


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