Earth Day Affirmations

Earth Day Affirmations

Whatever your spiritual perspective, there is no denying that the Earth physically sustains us all every day. To me, that is worth celebrating and respecting.

It’s a wonderful thing that we now set aside a day to honor the amazing miracle that is our Planet. It is also a beacon to recall what miracles we all are.

To set the Earth and her people against each other, seems equally foolish to wasting the planet’s resources. We must find ways to balance our needs for commerce and advancement with the realistic resources provided by our planet.

The extremes on both ends fail to grasp the combined value that is the Earth and Humanity. Today may we find a renewed respect and hope for both!

Here are a few Earth Day affirmations for you. Be the person you came to the planet to be today.

  1. Earth Affirmation: “Today I celebrate both the diversity and the connectedness present here on Planet Earth.”
  2. Earth Affirmation: “Today I care for the Earth by recognizing its miraculous nature and mine!”
  3. Earth Affirmation: “Today I care for the Earth by remembering how small and connected we all are!”
  4. Earth Affirmation: “Today I care for the Earth by taking care of the other creatures that share it with me.”
  5. Earth Affirmation: “Today I care for the Earth by caring for my fellow human beings and expanding compassion on our planet.”
  6. Earth Affirmation: “Today I bless and care for the Earth by using only what I need.”
  7. Earth Affirmation: “Today and every day I bless and care the Earth, as she blesses and cares for me.”
  8. Earth Affirmation: “I believe in a protected Earth and a free Humanity. I refuse to sacrifice either! My life is a catalyst for both!”
  9. Earth Affirmation:”I am one with the ocean. The ebb and flow of the sea merges with my breath to create a profound calm”
  10. Earth Affirmation: “I am one with the forest. Being among the trees, I am completely grounded as I reach for the sky along with them.”
  11. Earth Affirmation: “I am in touch with nature. Every day I feel my feet touch the Earth. I feel the wind fill my lungs. I feel the water bring life to every cell of my being. I feel the warm sunshine on my face. I am in touch with nature.”

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you are awesome!
