The Power of Self-Affirmation


People often ask whether affirmations really work. Some question whether it’s just woo-woo and not scientific. There have been numerous studies dating back to at least the 1920s demonstrating the efficacy thinking more positively in general and specifically self-affirmation.

Consistently, research has shown, to one extent or another, that our thoughts have a significant impact on the way we feel, our experience of life, and our personal outcomes.

One famous version of this phenomenon is the placebo effect. It’s the first hurdle any new drug in development must overcome. While the industry likes to keep this under wraps, about 22 percent of patients with a demonstrated condition are healed of that condition simply on the belief that the medicine they’re taking is going to heal them.

In recent decades, this percentage has been rising. Any nee drug most show efficacy beyond the placebo hurdle to be considered efficacious.

“Think positive” has become something of a mantra in our society to the point that some are annoyed by its vagueness and seeming ineffectiveness in the face of struggle.

I understand the frustration. It’s like extolling someone to eat healthier without giving them healthier recipes.

Affirmations are an effective methodology for delivering targeted positive thinking into your brain through the power of repetition and belief.

While rote learning can be boring, there’s a reason little kids practice their math tables over and over. Repetition has been known for thousands of years to be an effective means of memorably placing information in the human brain.

When you combine belief (the placebo effect) with the power of rote repetition, it becomes easy to see why self-affirmation works.

I am, I can, I make, I choose and other such phrases common in affirmations are among the most powerful words in our language. Put them to use in the pursuit of your goals, your dreams, your health, pretty much anything you want to improve in your life.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you are awesome!
