Sales Manager Affirmations Video

Being a fantastic sales manager is a different skillset than being a fantastic sales person. Yet, sales performance is often a precursor to being promoted into sales management.

These affirmations are directed specifically at sales managers. They encourage key mindsets for success and developing the confidence to be the leader your sales team needs. All affirmations benefit from persistent listening. Bookmark this video and watch it often for best results. The affirmations are repeated in first-person and second-person for maximum effect. Believe in yourself as a sales leader. Believe in your team. Let the successes multiply!

The Affirmations

  • I am a great sales manager and I get better every single day.
  • I meet my reps where they are to improve their skills and their results.
  • I make struggling reps good. I make good reps great. I make great reps even better.
  • I am constantly improving my game to improve my team's game.
  • My team is a quota-exceeding machine!
  • My team's results are grabbing the attention of senior leadership in my organization.

Just in case no one has reminded you today, you ARE awesome!


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