Is Your Mindset Ready for the New World of Opportunity?


  1. I am a smart investor and I get smarter each and every day.
  2. My dreams can pay the bills as well as my job.
  3. I have a millionaire mindset.
  4. I see the potential in the changes coming to the world and I take advantage of them.
  5. I keep what serves me and release what holds me back.

Hey, fellow affirmers, good morning. I try to avoid making money the sole measure of happiness or success. I'm a firm believer that everyone who seeks eventually discovers what those words look like for them.

Still, we live a world where money makes a difference. It decides what experiences you get to have. It can decide the quality of your days - whether they're spent doing what you love or doing what you have to do.

We live in an amazing and a scary time economically. There are legitimate questions about the sustainability of the economic status quo. There are legitimate concerns about its equitableness and whether having fewer and fewer people control more and more of the total wealth is undermining an aspirational future.
Here's a fact you may not know, though. More millionaires are being created right now than ever before. Check out these statistics. They speak both to the opportunity before us and the challenges in the outcomes created in the current system.

  • The United States added 675,000 new millionaires from 2018 to 2019 alone.
  • The total number of millionaires in US equals to 18.6 million.
  • There are 705 billionaires in the United States.
  • There are 293,992 millionaire households in New Jersey.
  • 76% of US millionaires are white or Caucasian.
  • The city with the biggest concentration of ultra-rich millionaires is New York with 8,865 UHNW.
  • The United States’ millennial millionaires own an average of three properties with a real estate portfolio worth $1.4 million.
  • About 44% of the millennial millionaires of the US are concentrated in California.
  • 47% of the world’s wealth is controlled by the top 1% UHNW individuals.

Very few of these people are doing it through a 9-5 job. Most are making their money one of two ways. They've either started a business - often online - or they are making money in the market.

Recent events around the Wall Street Bets Game Stop situation gave me an insight. Many people are in the market for the first time. We're hearing by the day how AI and robotics is going to replace job after job in industry after industry.

Is it possible the income stream of the future is investing in the companies we used to work for? Is it possible that market literacy will be THE skill of the future?
I know this sounds kind of crazy right now, but big change is afoot and something has to give. This change will present unprecedented opportunities to live the kind of human life we all ought to be living. One filled with choices and the ability to truly pursue our dreams.

The fact is big change is a big chance for each and every one of use to reshape your financial present and our financial future. There may have never been a time where this was so feasible for someone willing to learn and make the effort.

The world will look different in the coming years and decades. If you're old enough, like me, to remember the world before all the technology we have today, that world seems anachronistic. I predict that in 20 years our world will seem older school than that world does today. That's how fast and how dramatic the changes are about to be.

Start getting your mind around it and your mindset prepared to thrive in that world.

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.
