Peace Prevails Affirmations

I'm harping a bit on peace lately, my friends. I hope you'll excuse me. I'm simply troubled by the fact that at a time when humanity could and should be peacefully prospering on this planet and aspiring to new things beyond, we keep coming back around to low-vibration energies such as fear, anger, violence, and tribal behavior.

It is my firm conviction that humanity's destiny is peace within us and among and and a civilization ready to take its rightful place among the stars. While a quick perusal of the headlines may make my dream seem Pollyannish, I firmly believe this is what we're capable of achieving. The next question is always how.

It's not a secret. The great sages across time and space of given us all the clues we need to get there. It begins with ending the war within, continues with ceasing to spread the war outside of us, and I'd add it is completed by reaching a critical mass of people who cannot imagine living in any other way.

These affirmations are meant to start at that place within, where the first battle must be won, if it is to be won at all.

Be peaceful, my friends, and prosperous. In case no one has reminded you today, you are awesome. Be sure to bookmark it and return often when you need a little boost of peace.

Enjoy the video!
