Peace Now, Peace Always

Today we celebrate the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He is noted in history as one of the most successful and beloved advocates for peaceful change in the history of The United States and the world.

Despite setbacks and atrocities and the loss of his own life, Dr. King never wavered from his commitment to peace or to achieving a better world through its powerful and thoughtful application.

Today we sit two days before a presidential inauguration in The United States. Despite a large victory and the attestation to such by all the Constitutional and legal means in our country, we are all - not just the president-elect - being threatened with violence and chaos as a means to achieve an end.

While those threatening it claim to be fighting for freedom, they are, in fact, undermining it. The peaceful transfer of power in The United States is not just a tradition. It's an affirmation that believe the will of the American people. We believe in our system - despite its many flaws and shortcomings - to mitigate all forces that would undermine the principle of one person, one vote.

As we did in Dr. King's day, this country, the planet, and the species have much work to do to perfect a practical creed of human dignity, justice for all, and the pursuit of the highest possible aspirations for every person born human on this planet.

Even though the violence seems like a shortcut to the ends some seek. It's not and never will be. For a victory achieved through violence, is no victory at all. It's the birthplace of greater suffering, injustice, and the death of anything that can reasonably be called freedom.

I was inspired today to create new, colorful design that allows you and me to state unequivocally to everyone we meet where we stand in the continuing battle between peace and violence.

You can order your on the TAS website here.

As always, my friends, you are awesome! Be peaceful! Be prosperous!

