Buddha Quotes #1


The Dhammapada is among the clearest expressions of The Buddha’s wisdom and teachings. It is generally accepted as a compilation of Siddhartha’s sayings passed down orally for generations until they were written down. In this way, the book is similar to the Christian Gospels in recording the words of Jesus.

The first and perhaps most famous chapter in the book is usually referred to as “The Pairs” or “The Twin Verses.”

The teachings in this chapter compare and contrast those who follow a spiritual path and those who do not. The chapter begins with one of the most famous quotes in the world on the topic of thoughts creating our world.

This translation is one I created on my own. It is based on triangulating the words from multiple English translations to come of with the clearest language possible for the modern reader.

The Dhammapada - Twin Verses


1. We are the result of our thoughts. Our present thoughts create our future life. Our life is created by our mind. If a person speaks or acts with a mind grounded in fear suffering will follow him as surely as summer follows spring.

2. We are the result of our thoughts. Our present thoughts create our future life. Our life is created by our mind. If a person speaks or acts with a mind grounded in love happiness will follow him as surely as his shadow does.

3. 'He offended me, he hurt me, he owes me, he took what was mine.' Those who dwell on such thoughts will never be free from hate or find peace within.

4. 'He offended me, he hurt me, he owes me, he took what was mine.' Those who dwell not on such thoughts shall be free from hate and find peace within.

5. Hate feeds only upon itself, but love will vanquish hate. This is an Eternal Law.

6. Few know that our purpose in this world is to live in harmony. Those who become aware of this cease their quarrels immediately.

7. The person who lives only for selfish ends, whose soul is not in harmony, who consumes to excess, is idle, and without virtue--that person is overcome by their desires, as the land is overcome by a flood.

8. But the person who lives in truth, whose soul is in self-harmony, who consumes only what he needs, and cultivates virtue within --that person stands firm like a mountain against the wind.

9. If a person would call himself holy with a soul that is rooted in anger and fear, without self-harmony and truth, he is not worthy of the title.

10. But if a person is holy, with a soul rooted in love, with peace and truth within, she is, indeed, worthy of leading and teaching others.

11. Those who focus on the transient, thinking it to be real, will not attain truth for they will wander aimlessly and confused by the appearance of things.

12. Those who focus on what is stable and changeless, and know it to be real, they will attain the truth of unity-enlightenment.

13. Even as a storm makes short work of a poorly built house, so do selfish desires dominate an unreflective mind.

14. Even as a storm has no effect on a well-built house, selfish desires are extinguished by a reflective mind.

15. He suffers now and in the future, the person who lives in hate suffers perpetually. He suffers and mourns at the pain his hatred has inflicted.

16. He is happy now and in the future, the person who lives in peace with all around him is perpetually happy. His heart is at peace when he sees the good he has done.

17. He sorrows now and in the future, the person who has inflicted pain sorrows in both worlds. He suffers from the pain he has inflicted. He suffers yet more if he does not reform his ways.

18. He is joyous now and in the future, the man who brings peace is joyous in both worlds. He reflects on the good he has produced. He gains further joy by continuing his virtuous path.

19. It is not enough to speak many true words.  One must act by them. Those who speak without have not shared in the value of their good words.

20. But if one speaks few words, yet acts without selfishness, and hatred, and has found true serenity and peace of mind; many shall benefit by such a person.