Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Thanks to all of you, this year has been one of amazing growth on this blog. I want to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to read, comment, and share my posts.

I hope The Affirmation Spot has become a positive refuge for you on the Internet. That is the goal.

Let’s keep the energy flowing and continue filling our minds with insight, positivity, and practical tips for bettering our lives and bettering the world.

By any measure, 2020 has been a challenging year. It’s my belief that we can aspire, in 2021, to more than “getting back to normal.” We can entertain and achieve bigger dreams individually and together.

Our country, our species, and our planet can lean into our enormous potential to usher in a new era of positive change on so many fronts, if we have the courage to choose it.

I want to wish everyone reading this a beautiful holiday season. Thank you again for your contributions to growing this group.

Be well. Be safe. Find your inner joy.
