Greed and Generosity Video Affirmation

We live in a world that involves "pairs of opposites." Great spiritual teachers from around the world recognized this thousands of years ago. A thing is quelled by its opposite.

Perhaps the most famous symbol of this is the Tao symbol. It's a visualization of the fact that the universe is made up of these opposites and there is a little of each in the other. They are also constantly in flux and interacting with each other to balance the other.

When you think about the greed that exists the world - I don't mean healthy aspiration - I mean unhealthy greed; there's a tendency to get angry and fight against it.

Buddha pulled on this string of opposites in the first chapter of the Dhammapada. He commented, "Hatred is not conquered by hatred. Hatred is conquered by love. This is a law universal."

Things are a balanced by their opposite. The way to counter greed in the world is with its opposite - generosity.

This affirmation helps remind you to increase the generosity to counter the greed.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you are awesome!
