19 Choice Affirmations - I Choose Affirmations

Choice, my friends, is the foundation of freedom. In modern free societies, you are offered so many choices that you can lose your ability to recognize the critical choices.

Walk down the typical chip aisle in an American grocery store and you're presented hundreds of choices. You may walk up and down for several minutes trying to make a choice. Turn in your TV and you may ha e several hundred channels to choose from.

These kinds of choices are superficial choices; really almost a distraction. Yes, it's wonderful to have so many choices, but choosing one bag of chips over another or one TV show over another changes little in the outcome of your life.

The choices that really matter are the ones we've fought centuries to achieve and fight today to maintain. Your exact list will be unique to you. However, I wrote these affirmations to cover some of the big ones.

These affirmations affirm both your right to choose and your power to choose.

  1. Today I CHOOSE thoughts that make my life better.
  2. Today I CHOOSE actions that make my life better.
  3. Today I CHOOSE words that make my life better.
  4. Today I CHOOSE thoughts that make the world better.
  5. Today I CHOOSE actions that make the world better.
  6. Today I CHOOSE words that make the world better.
  7. Today I CHOOSE the people who contribute something positive to my life.
  8. Today I CHOOSE the spiritual path that speaks to me.
  9. Today I CHOOSE a political ideology that contributes to a better world.
  10. Today I CHOOSE love over fear.
  11. Today I CHOOSE hope over giving up.
  12. Today I CHOOSE abundance over scarcity,
  13. Today I CHOOSE growth over stagnation.
  14. Today I CHOOSE action over procrastination.
  15. Today I CHOOSE freedom over tyranny.
  16. Today I CHOOSE my dreams over my doubts.
  17. Today I CHOOSE to form my own opinions.
  18. Today I CHOOSE my battles.
  19. Today I CHOOSE to see the good and the potential in humanity.

I'd love to hear what else you CHOOSE today. Please leave a comment below with your I CHOOSE affirmations.

Keep choosing let your freedom to choose light the way to a better you and a better world.


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