Division is a Decision

Division is a decision not an inevitability. It occurs when people are conditioned day after day to focus on what separates us rather than what unshakably unites us.

If you focused only on what you disagreed on with your significant other, you’d have no relationship.

If you focused only on what you disagreed on with your boss, you’d have no job.

Is it any wonder that when we focus only on what we disagree on, we cannot have a country that works?

You may be tempted to point the finger at “them.” After all, that’s what our media and our so-called leaders do. They tell you to point and to blame and to focus on the separation.

We can do better than that and WE MUST.

We came here to aspire to something higher than the next argument or even the next election. We have forgotten who we truly are and as long as we remain in that state of forgetting, we’re easily manipulated. The moment we remember nothing will be able to stop the transformation.

Until that day comes for the world, we will have to discover that remembering one person at a time. When enough of us have changed what’s inside, the outside will follow.

Be who you came here to be. See your greatness and help those around you to see theirs too.
