Is Positive Thinking Cruel in the Face of Suffering?

There’s rather large strain of thought out there that suggests telling someone who has faced trauma or suffering to think positively is cruel.

I’d suggest it’s not cruel at all and this argument points directly to one of the key misconceptions about positive thinking and related ideas.

Telling someone that thinking positively ALONE will help them overcome disadvantage, trauma, or suffering is patently untrue. If someone has been wronged in life, there are civil, social, and personal development remedies that can and should be pursued.

Simply thinking positively does not erase nor resolve injustice. If someone suggests that it does or believes someone is telling them it does, I can see why it might construed as insensitive.

Here’s the thing. The positive thinking is not the means of redress. It’s the means of healing you. By all means, seek appropriate redress for the wrongs done to you. By all means, feel and experience the feelings you need to feel about the situation, but refuse to let it defeat you,

You can pursue that road to justice or overcoming a major setback one of two ways. You can do it as a perpetual victim that continues to dwell in low vibration states that only perpetuates the suffering or you can do it with your mind ON YOUR SIDE.

When someone tells you think positively, they’re not saying that to undermine or dismiss your experience. Hopefully, they’re doing it because they know as you think so shall you be.

You will be a victim who is perpetually revictimized by your own thinking or you will be the empowered being of light that you truly are.

Choosing the latter allows you to claim your victory over your suffering today rather than placing your happiness on hold until society or some other person takes some action they might never take.

Regardless of your journey to justice or healing, it’s better to have your mind working for you rather than against you.

Stay safe, stay well, and be true to you!