10 Powerful Second-Person Affirmations to Start Your Day Right

Good morning, my friends. Tons of projects going on at the day job and in my personal life. I haven't been able to blog as much as I'd like to the past few weeks. Thank you stick with me.

What's a second-person affirmation? Second-person affirmations are affirmations phrased with you rather than I. They are powerful for replacing old thoughts and programming that you received from the outside. I've found, over the years, that they work better than I affirmations for moving old thoughts that you received from other people out of your mind.

They also have a different vibration a certain power that's different than I affirmations. Both are important and I recommend using both.

Here's 10 to start your day right today.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you ARE awesome!


  1. You came here to face and conquer the challenges you're facing right now.
  2. Every event is leading you perfectly to your destiny.
  3. You are a magnet and you are attracting the life you want.
  4. You are happy. You are healthy. You are wise.
  5. You are abundant and more so every day.
  6. You are a nexus of change in your life and in the world.
  7. You are the person you came to the planet to be.
  8. You are the reason other people still have faith in humanity.
  9. You make a difference everywhere you go and with everyone you touch.
  10. You already are everything you hope to be. You are now realizing it.