6 Life Ownership Affirmations

Good Saturday, my friends. Especially in challenging times, it’s easy to begin thinking you have no control over the outcome of your life.

You might feel like driftwood floating on the ocean of life going wherever the waves push you. It can be an appealing concept, in some ways, to believe your helpless and powerless against the forces of life.

True, there are some rules in this game we’ve agreed to play that we can’t change. We’re born and we die. We may have bad things happen to us as a child that were not in our control. We may have illness or hardship visit our lives.

Even the negative effects of these “rules of the game” can be mitigated by empowered thinking and determined action. Beyond these few broad outlines, pretty much everything else in your life is a choice.

You may have to work to earn a living, but you don’t “have to” stay in that job. It may be easier to stay in a difficult relationship than to start over, but you don’t “have to.” You may have a bucketload of responsibility, but that doesn’t mean you “have to” abandon your dreams.

You have. You have choices. You have the power.

Here are some affirmations for affirming that power. use them regularly for best results.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you ARE awesome!
