The WHAT and WHY of Feelings

WHAT you’re feeling is important. Ignoring our feelings can be quite destructive.

However, WHY you’re feeling what you’re feeling is FAR more important.
WHAT you’re feeling is a momentary response to stimuli. WHY you’re feeling what you’re feeling has more to do with the systematic way you process data from the world around you.

WHAT you feel changes with the next person, event, or piece of data you’re exposed to. WHY you’re feeling what you’re feeling is where you can make change. It lives behind a million conditioned responses, assumptions, and unresolved conflicts.

WHAT you’re feeling will always be a prisoner to these unconscious drivers until you make them conscious.

We unconsciously become our past until we consciously choose a different future.

So choose…

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you ARE AWESOME!