Reach For The Stars!


Hey, everyone

GOOD morning!

Hard as it may be to believe looking around you right now, all of this craziness is presenting us with OPPORTUNITIES for a FAR better world and a FAR more compassionate civilization that serves the needs of ordinary people.

Like all things in life, it's a choice. We can seize these opportunities or we can be seized by a million possible dystopias that fill our minds.

When we do the latter, who wins? Not us.

I'm a FIRM believer that despite the human past and even the human present, we are a good species at heart. We have enormous potential. We are meant to reach for the stars literally, but first we must raise our faces out of the dirt and toward the sun.

We have 10,000 years of conditioning that mostly divides us, mostly makes us afraid to trust, compels us to hold on to our dogmas in ways that don't even serve us.

We are better than that. You are better than that. I am better than that.

The inertia of our thinking pulls back into our divisions, back into our fears, back into our tribes.

Just like a rocket headed for space, we have to achieve escape velocity, if we are going to escape the gravity of the past.

It's hard work. It's easier just to fade back into "Us" and "Them" thinking. It's easier to say I'll do it tomorrow or next week or next year.

It's tough to say it begins right here and with me.

People often say, "I've tried positive thinking and it doesn't always work."

It's true positive thinking doesn't always work, but it GREATLY increases your chances for happiness and success.

Sadly, negative thinking does nearly always work. No one who ever thought they couldn't did. No one who ever doubted humanity contributed to its advancement.

In two days here in The United States, we are going to celebrate these words…

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

That's still the dream we ALL have. We all seek life. We all seek liberty. We all seek the freedom to pursue happiness.

We've all fallen short. You have. I have. Our "adversaries" have. The man who penned those words did.

Yet the principles embodied in that statement transcend all our failures to live up to it. Those words brought a change in law. It's time for us, 244 years later, to finally make it a change in hearts.

We come into this world naked and crying. We all leave the same way. It's the difference we make in between that matters. I know you came here to achieve something great. We all did.

Let's get to it. If we all focused more on what we're here to do and less on the hurdles. amazing things can and will happen.

Everyone stay safe. Everyone stay well. Everyone reach for a star today.
