One with the Universe Affirmations


These affirmations are written and recorded to connect you to the universe.and remind you that you are of it and it is in you. This recording is perfect for a bedtime meditation. Listen regularly and with headphone or earbuds for best results.

These affirmations are written and recorded to connect you to the universe.and remind you that you are of it and it is in you. This recording is perfect for a bedtime meditation. Listen regularly and with headphone or earbuds for best results.

Runtime: 23:06

Here are the affirmations.

  1. I am one with the universe

  2. I am small and temporary, BUT I am also vast and eternal.

  3. I am an indispensable part of the cosmic plan.

  4. When I face a challenge, I can draw on the strength of the entire universe.

  5. When I face a challenge, I can draw on the experience of the entire universe.

  6. I am right where I need to be in my journey through the stars.

  7. I am connected to the cosmic mind

  8. I am connected to the cosmic heart.

  9. I am supported by cosmic love.

  10. The universe supports me unconditionally.

  11. The universe wants me to succeed.

  12. The universe wants my happiness.

  13. The universe supports me in pursuing my dreams.

Just in case no one has reminded you today, you are awesome!
