13 Compassion RayQuotes

Compassion is among the most selfless emotions human beings are capable of. Yet, it’s more than a feeling. It’s something we can put into action in our lives and in the world. It’s the concept that reminds us that, despite our many differences, we are all together here in the same situation. We’re having this challenging human experience on a tiny blue marble spinning around in a vast dark universe.

It manifests in kindness, selflessness, empathy. It changes relationships and it changes the world. Equally importantly, compassion begins with yourself. Having compassion for yourself makes it that much easier to have it for others.

Maybe, just maybe, we can treat each other like tight-knit kin we truly are.

By now you know, that I love coining quotes on topics. I call them Rayquotes. Here are my best 13 on the topic of compassion.

  1. Challenge your blindspots and prejudices to a duel of logic and compassion. Would they survive?
  2. Compassion costs so little and spends so well.
  3. If you look around you today, you will see endless opportunities for compassion.
  4. Sharing stretches our compassion muscles. Compassion stretches our hearts.
  5. Compassion and humanity are the silver lining of tragedy.
  6. The only end to humanity’s long river of tears is an ocean of compassion.
  7. When dogma and duty rule your life compassion is the very first casualty.
  8. When we get too focused on bottom lines we tend to forget THE BOTTOM LINE - people. Compassion has a ROI too.
  9. A mind evolved to treat others fairly and compassionately is superior to a politically correct mind that's coerced to.
  10. Our world can run on fear and hatred or love and compassion. We the people of this planet must choose.
  11. What we need in our world is a pandemic of compassion, self-empowerment, and true transformation. It must start within!
  12. Compassion's ROI is measured not on bottom lines, but from the bottom of our hearts.
  13. Passion is powerful, but hollow without compassion. The true hero cultivates both.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you are AWESOME!

Have a great Friday!
