10 Adult Learning Affirmations

Learning, I contend, is a daily and lifelong adventure. It’s not something confined to a few years early in our lives. It’s not something we just do because we have to keep our jobs later on. Learning is a gift we give to ourselves with every new discovery.

There’s a beautiful Chinese proverb that says, “Learning is a treasure that follows its owner everywhere.”

Here are 10 affirmations that encourage you to keep learning and that you are an amazing learner.

  1. I am committed to being a lifelong learner.
  2. I can learn anything I put my mind to.
  3. Learning new things brings feelings of joy and accomplishment.
  4. I accept that learning new things might cause me to change my view of the world.
  5. I refuse to be left out of what there is to know.
  6. I share what I learn with others.
  7. My goal each day is to learn one new and important thing to apply to my life.
  8. I accept that I can learn something from both friends and adversaries.
  9. My thirst for knowledge grows and grows.
  10. I am fearless in the pursuit of knowledge and truth.

Your best you is reborn every day in the things you learn. Class is in session. You simply need to show up.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you ARE awesome!


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