Dogma Blocks a Better World

In a world where dogmas and entrenched beliefs rule, it’s practically impossible for better and new ideas to grow. Societies that become that, lose their forward momentum and they cease to be leaders.

The only way for a society to get better on this front is for individuals within that society to release limiting paradigms and be open to new ideas. All the world’s great ideas are not limited to certain times, certain places, and certain people. They’re born every day in the minds of people we “agree” and those we “disagree” with.

Failing to see that, we cut ourselves off from half or more of the better ideas that could improve country, planet, and species.

It’s up to each of us to reflect on how we are contributing to being stuck with ideas that don’t work anymore. The pace of change in the coming decades is likely to force our hands, but a more enlightened approach is to begin opening ourselves to new possibilities, figuring out how we make timeless ideas thrive in these new environments, and how we stop being a roadblock to needed change.

Our best future was not conceived in the past. It’s being conceived right now in real time. Our choice is to participate constructively in that process or be an obstacle to it.

Every great teacher and leader of the past did not re-entrench in old ideas. He or she brought new ideas to the table. They were change agents not defenders of the status quo. If we are to transform our times as powerfully and positively as they did, we must be agents for conscious change too.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you ARE awesome!

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